CLTA Conference Best Paper Prize
Each year since 1998 a best paper prize has been awarded at the annual CLTA conference. The prize is sponsored by Governance Institute of Australia. Details are available here. In order to be considered for the best paper prize full papers must be submitted to the 2020 conference organisers by 13th January 2020. Details of the 2020 conference are available here.
CLTA has made a submission to the review of the ABDC journal ranking list. The submission argued that the current A* list omits the most prestigious journals in Australia. The inclusion of a number of US journals in the existing list is unnecessary, and these journals are not options for Australian authors. The list therefore becomes irrelevant to the performance expectations of heads of school, who then use other metrics to evaluate and direct performance.
The Corporate Law Teachers’ Association ( student essay prize is offered to recognise exceptional scholarship by students in Australian or New Zealand universities for essays concerning topics commonly covered within a company law subject.
Prizes available:
First prize will be awarded $300
Second prize will be awarded $200
Third prize will be awarded $100
(monetary prizes to be determined in Australian dollars at the date the prize is awarded)
The winners will be determined by the CLTA executive in its sole discretion. The CLTA Executive reserves the right to award less than 3 prizes or not to award the prize in any given year. The CLTA executive may award joint winners in which case the prize money will be divided evenly between them. The decision of the CLTA Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the validity of the decision.
The prize winning papers may be offered an opportunity to be published in the Australian Journal of Corporate Law and must acknowledge the CLTA Corporate Law Student Essay Prize in their paper. Offers to publish in the AJCL will be in the sole discretion of the Journal’s editors.
- The paper must be sole authored by a person who (at the time of submission of the paper) is a current full time or part time student at an Australian or New Zealand university. Students may be studying undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. Students who are on leave from their studies or undertaking an honours degree are also eligible.
- The author must submit two versions of the paper, a full version (including name, email address, degree program, company law subject studied and subject coordinator’s name (if applicable), the year and semester the subject was completed, and name of university) and an anonymous version where all author details have been removed.
- The paper must be written in English and submitted as a Microsoft Word document with a minimum of 12 point font size in Times New Roman.
- The paper must not have been published (either online or in a book or journal) and must not be under consideration for publication. Papers submitted and marked for assessment purposes are eligible for submission (please include the essay question in your submission).
- Students should include their Turnitin or equivalent plagiarism verification certificate with their submission.
- The length of the paper is to be between 3,000-5,000 words (including footnotes).
- The style guide for the paper is the AGLC 3rd edition.
Criteria for the award
The prize will be awarded to the writer of an essay that in the view of the CLTA Executive is of publishable quality in a scholarly journal and best meets the judging criteria. The criteria are:
- Significance of subject
- Originality
- Critical analysis of subject matter
- Use of relevant and appropriate references in accordance with the AGLC
- Well-developed argument
- Organisation and clarity of style
An entry may be rejected if it employs language or concepts deemed by any member of the CLTA Executive to be unscholarly, defamatory or otherwise unpublishable.
How to enter
Papers are to be submitted through the coordinator of the corporate law subject at the student’s university. Submissions should be emailed to, marked ‘CLTA Essay Prize’ in the subject line. Due date for submission is 14 December 2019. Submissions may relate to essays submitted at any time during 2019.
The CLTA may terminate the prize competition at any time by notification on its website and to entrants.
Submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee about the Abolition of CAMAC
On 17 February 2015 the CLTA made a submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Amendment (Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee Abolition) Bill 2014. The CLTA submission opposed the proposed abolition of the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC). A copy of this submission is available here.
Submission to the LACC Proposal about Corporations Law
On 19 March 2015 the CLTA made a submission to the Law Admissions Consultative Committee of the Law Council of Australia (LACC) in response to its Review of Academic Requirements for Admission to the Legal Profession. The CLTA submitted that Company Law should not be omitted from the Academic Requirements for admission to the legal profession in Australia. A copy of this submission is available here.
CLTA Submission About the Abolition of CAMAC
On 29 October 2014 the CLTA made a submission to Treasury opposing the proposed abolition of the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC).
A copy of this submission may be accessed here.
On 12 February 2015 the Bill which seeks to abolish CAMAC was referred to the Senate Economics Committee for consideration. The Senate Economics Committee called for submissions. A copy of the CLTA's submission to Treasury on this issue has been forwarded to the Senate Economics Committee.
Briefing to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services at Parliament House
On 27 October 2014, members of the CLTA gave a briefing to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services at Parliament House. The topics included:
Directors' Duties and the Business Judgement Rule
Speaker: Assoc Prof Anil Hargovan
Commentator: Prof Jean du Plessis
The Regulation of Insolvency
Speaker: Mr Jason Harris
Commentators: Assoc Prof Colin Anderson and Assoc Prof Chris Symes
Dealing with Corporate Responsibility Within the Corpus of Corporate Law and an
Appropriate Standing Law Reform Body
Speaker: Prof Paul Redmond -
Company Disclosure Regulation
Speaker: Assoc Prof Gill North
Prof Peta Spender (President of the CLTA) also attended and was available for questions and comments.
The briefing papers provided to the committee are available here.
International Forums: "Board Gender Diversity"
Melbourne: 20 October 2014
Sydney: 24 October 2014
Venue: Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah Of Laws,
International Islamic University Malaysia
More information:
Prominent key presenters from Australia, Germany, Norway, South Africa and The Netherlands will be examining gender diversity on corporate boards, focussing on recent international developments, in particular in Europe.
Speakers include:
Prof. Mijntje Lückerath, Prof. Corporate Governance, Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
Prof. Michael Adams, Dean, School of Law at University of Western Sydney
Ms. Janine Hills, Founder & CEO, Vuma Reputation Management (South Africa)
Ms. Judith Fox, National Director, Governance Institute of Australia
Prof. Peta Spender, Professor of Law at the ANU College of Law (Australia)
Prof. Raphael Koch, Professor of Law at the University of Augsburg (Germany)
Mr. John Stanhope, Chairman of Australia Post
Prof. Renée Adams, Commonwealth Bank Chair in Finance, UNSW (Australia)
Prof. Beate Sjåfjell, University of Oslo, Faculty of Law (Norway)
Mr. Peter Lamell, Director of the Melbourne Forum, Director of Renew Australia
CPD opportunity - earn up to 6 points!
Capacity is limited. Early registration will secure a place at one of the Forums.
The ICGL Forums are supported by Deakin University and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. These Forums are held as part of the Anneliese Maier Research Award, which was awarded to Professor Jean du Plessis, School of Law, Deakin University (Australia) by the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2013. The Forums are held as part of collaborative research and aimed at making a sustainable contribution towards the further internationalisation of corporate law and corporate governance for public for-profit companies or corporations.
International Conference on Law, Order and Criminal Justice
Dates: 19 and 20 November, 2014
Venue: Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah Of Laws,
International Islamic University Malaysia
Full details can be found at:
The main theme of the conference will be Criminal Justice System In The 21st Century: Between Spirit And Form.
Call for papers
The modern criminal justice system is a comprehensive system of practices and institutions of governments directed at maintaining social control by mitigating crime. The term 'Law, Order and Criminal Justice' is used to cover all the different agencies and organizations that are involved in enforcing law and order, preventing crime and meting out punishment, and how they work together in establishing the principles of equity, fairness and justice. In this fast-changing world, these practices and institutions cannot remain static. They must change and evolve as criminals and syndicates also adapt to the changing system. This conference focuses on the spirit and the form of the following 5 pillars of the criminal justice system:
The community
Law enforcement
The court
The correctional system
Paper submissions are welcome from all disciplines including but not limited to law, economics, education, philosophy, politics, social work and sociology. Please submit a 300 word abstract (in Word format) before 15th August 2014 and send it to: Dr. Sonny Zulhuda at or Dr. Majdah Zawawi at The title of the e-mail should be "Between Spirit and Form" and should include a short CV of no more than two pages. Full details can be found at: Full papers are due on 30th October 2014 and those papers that are presented may be eligible for selection for publication in a special issue of IIUM Law Journal as well as other negotiated peer-reviewed journals.
Three "Best Paper Awards" will be selected based on the top combined marks of paper review assessed by the Academic Committee and presentation quality assessed by session chairs at the conference venue. The awards will be announced and bestowed at the conference closing session.
Contact Information
Conference Secretariat:
Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws
International Islamic University,
P.O.Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: 03-61964359 / 61964309
Fax No.: 03-61964854
General Office for Administration
Telephone: 03-61964225 / 61964253
Fax No: 03-61964378