The CLTA makes available two conference bursaries each year to students enrolled in research higher degrees for the purpose of assisting them to attend and present a paper at the CLTA Conference. The CLTA Executive reserves the right, however, not to award any conference bursaries in any given year .
The Bursaries
The CLTA envisages that one local bursary will be offered to a student enrolled in a research higher degree at the institution hosting the conference and living in the city in which the conference is to be held. This bursary will consist of waiver of the conference registration fee (including dinner) and has a maximum monetary value of AUD$800 (excluding registration fee and dinner), designed to defray the travel cost of attendance should such costs be incurred. The meaning of 'travel cost', for purposes of the CLTA Conference Bursary, is explained below.
The CLTA envisages that one non-local bursary will be offered to a research higher degree student not living in the city in which the conference is held. This bursary will consist of the conference registration fee (including dinner) and reimbursement of travel costs up to a maximum of AUD$800. Travel costs, up to the maximum prescribed amount, for the purpose of the CLTA Conference Bursary means:
a) Return economy airfare from home city to the conference;
b) Two nights accommodation proximate to the conference venue;
c) Four taxi fares for travel to and from home, conference venue and airport;
d) Two breakfasts (Monday and Tuesday), one dinner (Sunday);
e) Travel Insurance. -
Successful applicants are responsible for funding their own travel costs should such costs exceed the maximum CLTA Conference Bursary amount of AUD$800.
The CLTA Executive reserves the right to vary the method of bursary allocation described above.
The Application Process
Shortly after the first call for papers is sent to members, the CLTA President will email all CLTA members calling for nominations for the non-local bursary applicant.
The CLTA member organising the conference will call for local applicants enrolled in a research higher degree at the institution hosting the conference and living in the city in which the conference is to be held.
All CLTA Conference Bursary applications must be made by email to the CLTA member organising the conference and accompanied by an abstract. The application must be made by the closing date for lodgement of abstracts nominated in the call for papers.
A nomination for the bursary must be made by a CLTA member and must include the applicant's name, details of the degree in which the applicant is currently enrolled, the applicant's CV, the title and abstract of the applicant's paper and any supporting information. A letter of support from the applicant's research supervisor must also accompany the nomination.
Applicants who have completed their higher research degree are ineligible to apply for the bursary.
For applicants enrolled in a research higher degree at the institution hosting the conference, the CLTA member organising the conference shall select the recipient of the local bursary and shall email the recipient's details to the CLTA President and Treasurer. Applicants will be advised of the outcome by the CLTA President by the end of November.
For the non-local bursary applicant, the CLTA President will form a sub-committee to consider nominations received from such applicants. Following selection of the successful applicant, the nominator and applicant will be advised of the outcome by the CLTA President by the end of November.
The Successful Applicants
The successful applicants will be expected to comply with the submission requirements in accordance with the 'call for papers', present their paper at the conference and attend the conference sessions and associated social events.
In order to claim reimbursement for the travel costs the successful applicants must supply original receipts for expenses claimed to the CLTA treasurer. All claims must be received within 6-8 weeks of the commencement of the conference date.