The Corporate Law Teachers’ Association ( student essay prize is offered to recognise exceptional scholarship by students in Australian or New Zealand universities for essays concerning topics commonly covered within a company law subject.

Prizes available 
First prize will be awarded $300
Second prize will be awarded $200
Third prize will be awarded $100
(monetary prizes to be determined in Australian dollars at the date the prize is awarded)

The winners will be determined by the CLTA executive in its sole discretion. The CLTA Executive reserves the right to award less than 3 prizes or not to award the prize in any given year. The CLTA executive may award joint winners in which case the prize money will be divided evenly between them. The decision of the CLTA Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the validity of the decision.

The prize winning papers may be offered an opportunity to be published in the Australian Journal of Corporate Law and must acknowledge the CLTA Corporate Law Student Essay Prize in their paper. Offers to publish in the AJCL will be in the sole discretion of the Journal’s editors.


  1. The paper must be sole authored by a person who (at the time of submission of the paper) is a current full time or part time student at an Australian or New Zealand university. Students may be studying undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. Students who are on leave from their studies or undertaking an honours degree are also eligible.

  2. The author must submit two versions of the paper, a full version (including name, email address, degree program, company law subject studied and subject coordinator’s name (if applicable), the year and semester the subject was completed, and name of university) and an anonymous version where all author details have been removed.

  3. The paper must be written in English and submitted as a Microsoft Word document with a minimum of 12 point font size in Times New Roman.

  4. The paper must not have been published (either online or in a book or journal) and must not be under consideration for publication. Papers submitted and marked for assessment purposes are eligible for submission (please include the essay question in your submission).

  5. Students should include their Turnitin or equivalent plagiarism verification certificate with their submission.

  6. The length of the paper is to be between 3,000-5,000 words (not including footnotes).

  7. The style guide for the paper is the AGLC 3rd edition.

Criteria for the award
The prize will be awarded to the writer of an essay that in the view of the CLTA Executive is of publishable quality in a scholarly journal and best meets the judging criteria. The criteria are:

  1. Significance of subject
  2. Originality
  3. Critical analysis of subject matter
  4. Use of relevant and appropriate references in accordance with the AGLC
  5. Well-developed argument
  6. Organisation and clarity of style

An entry may be rejected if it employs language or concepts deemed by any member of the CLTA Executive to be unscholarly, defamatory or otherwise unpublishable.

How to enter
Papers are to be submitted through the coordinator of the corporate law subject at the student’s university. Submissions should be emailed to, marked ‘CLTA Essay Prize’ in the subject line. Due date for submission is 13 January 2020. Submissions may relate to essays submitted at any time during 2019.

The CLTA may terminate the prize competition at any time by notification on its website and to entrants.