Monash University Caulfield Campus
2-4 February 2020

Monash Business School’s Department of Business Law and Taxation invites you to join us at the annual Corporate Law Teachers Association conference at the Monash University Caulfield Campus on 2-4 February 2020.

20/20 Hingsight: Reflections on Perceptions of Trust in Corporations

The Edelman Trust Barometer revealed that globally in 2019, 56% of survey participants trust business. The figure reduces to 52% when only Australian respondents are counted. While the majority of the survey participants trust business, the percentage of those surveyed that did not respond in the affirmative is significant. Perceptions around the lack of trust in some sectors of the economy, and the perceived inability of regulatory regimes to curtail undesirable corporate behaviour has received great focus in Australia through the work of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.

The 2020 conference theme invites participants to reflect on the reasons why a significant proportion of the population does not trust business; and by implication the corporate entities and the directors and officers that control those businesses. The conference will focus on what changes to organisational and governance arrangements and regulatory regimes have (recently) been introduced or could be introduced to build trust.

Papers focusing on the theme are encouraged. As always abstracts on any corporate-law related topic are also invited.

We invite you to mark your calendars with these dates.

A call for abstracts is now open here with abstracts due by 8 November 2019. In order to be considered for the best paper prize full papers must be submitted by 13 January 2020.

For further information regarding the Corporate Law Teachers Association 2020 Conference, please contact the organisers at or view the conference website here
