

Membership of the CLTA is free, and we invite all university teachers of corporate law and associated subjects to join. Membership is available to postgraduate research students in the field of corporate law, who are also warmly encouraged to join the association.

Membership eligibility

Please note that the constitution states in Clause 3:

Membership shall be open to:

    • all teachers of corporate law in tertiary institutions in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere in the Asia Pacific region;

    • such persons as may, subject to any direction given by a General Meeting, be admitted by the Executive Committee;

    • such persons who have given distinguished service to the Association or legal education as may be elected as honorary life members at an Annual General Meeting

In particular, nominations are invited for honorary life memberships. Such nominations should be forwarded in writing to the exceutive committee by the end of the calendar year to be considered on the agenda for the next AGM.

Honorary Life Time Members

The CLTA may confer Honorary Life Membership on scholars who have made a sustained and outstanding contribution to Corporate Law in Australasia. The following list contains members who have been bestowed such membership, and a link to information regarding the member.

Professor John Farrar (PDF 151KB)

Emeritus Professor Harold Ford (PDF 33KB)

Professor Paul Redmond (PDF 88KB)

Professor Ian Ramsay

To celebrate the milestone of Harold Ford's 90th birthday, please read the attached correspondence.


Please visit the subscription page and fill out the membership form to generate an e-mail for subscribing to the CLTA mailing list.

If you would like to unsubscribe from the CLTA mailing list please click here to generate an opt-out e-mail for sending.

If you are experiencing difficulty with the subscription process, or have any questions regarding membership please contact the CLTA web administrator (

In Memorium

To mark the passing of one of our long standing members John Lessing (20.11.10), please read the tribute prepared by Ellie Chapple and Paul Redmond.