Corporate Law Teachers Association annual ConferenceConference papersThe main activity of the CLTA is to facilitate the Annual conference on Corporate law. The host institution each year will usually publish a call for papers around July each year. A conference theme and sub themes are generally nominated. however, papers on any topic pertaining to Corporate law are usually welcome. Abstract Receipt DatePapers will be selected on the basis of an abstract of no more than 250 words. Abstracts should be submitted electronically (in word document), typeface Arial 12 font by email to the Conference Chair as nominated each year. A first call for papers is usally made with an october deadline; a second call may be made with a late November/early December deadline Participants are encouraged to submit their abstract as soon as possible to avoid potential disappointment. Please note: The acceptance of a paper for the Conference does not imply that the costs for attending the Conference or the Conference Registration Fee will be covered by the CLTA or the conference host. The CLTA only provides the forum for discussing issues relevant to corporate and insolvency law and attempts to keep its fees to a minimum to encourage greater participation. Therefore, all participants are expected to cover their own costs. Paper Receipt DatePapers must be submitted electronically (in word document), typeface Arial 12 font to the Conference Chair usually within 2 -3 weeks of the conference date. Papers received after this date will not be made available to delegates by the Conference Organisers. Best paper prizeFor those wishing to participate in the Best Paper Prize, which is
sponsored by Chartered Secretaries Australia.The deadline is usually mid january.
Further information regard with selection criteria please
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